So, what next?
As I sit here attempting to write this, I keep opening and closing Instagram. I look over one of many to-do lists on sticky notes across my desk. I spend about seven different minutes attempting to start seven different tasks. I just got up to get water. I read what I wrote last month. I open a design file I’ve been tinkering with.
Needless to say, I am avoiding writing the newsletter for June.
So much has happened throughout the month of May. My 4Runner broke down in Illinois and I spent two weeks crashing on a friend’s couch in Chicago waiting for the mechanic down the street to tell me the damage. I opted to tow it back down to Texas myself and found a mechanic I trusted for a second opinion.
The money it would take to fix, in Chicago or Texas, would ultimately put an end to The Road Trip. And now with my 35th birthday approaching, I’m contemplating so many things.
So, what next? I don’t know.
Making an attempt at an idea can be daunting, but when the attempt ends in failure, it can be deflating. Maybe what I’ve been doing now is attempting to re-inflate myself. I’m thankful and grateful for friends that help with that process.
I haven’t been posting on Instagram much, I’m not sure what to say or show right now. As much as I preach that “it all belongs…the good and the bad,” attempting to accept and sit with the bad reminds me of how human I am.
Sifting through all the footage and photos I have -- from leaving Texas to driving the U-Haul from Chicago to a small-town mechanic back in Texas -- is overwhelming but I was able to put together a Lookbook documenting my stay in Thorndike, Maine. Click on the cover image below to check it out…